His Promises Art Studio is a creative studio and business with the desire to glorify His kingdom.
The name of our business came about during a difficult season in our life. We were clinging to His promises to make us whole after a season of brokenness. You can read more about our journey here and here. During this season I began hand lettering scripture and hanging it up around our home as encouragement that He promises good to us. Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled. -Romans 15:4 We decided to start a business and we named it His Promises. The first year was crazy successful. God planted a seed that year and gave us an amazing distraction from our trials. We were just about to take off full time with His Promises (selling our artwork and woodworking) when we got pregnant with our first son. Although this was an answer to prayer, we decided it wasn't the best time to start a business. So, I moved to a job closer to home in an effort to have more time with our son. After we had the boys we stepped back from the business quite a bit as it was very time consuming and we had to prioritize our time with them. Fast forward to 2019(ish) into 2020...I began second shooting with my long time friend Chelsea Jarrell. During the car rides to weddings we talked about our dreams with our businesses and where we saw ourselves in the future. Chelsea wanted an office space to be able to meet with her clients and edit photos. I wanted an art studio where I could teach smaller classes and private lessons. In the Fall we began brainstorming how we could make our dreams come true together. For me, this would mean leaving a very secure and stable job, where I was successful to jump into the unknown of owning my own business (scary!) Not to mention we were in the middle of the pandemic and none of this even seemed possible. I told Chelsea that I would keep praying about it and we left it at that. In December Chelsea made the decision to solely be a wedding photographer. She was becoming overwhelmed with the workload of photographing everything, on top of editing, on top of a full time job, on top of having two young children. It was a very smart move on her part and now her photography business is growing like crazy! This gave her even more of an itch to find a place of her own where she could meet with her clients, get to know them better and have a quiet office with no distractions where she could edit. Teaching in the middle of the pandemic became exhausting for me and every other teacher in the world. This is not why I made my decision, but it was definitely a factor. Over the past few years several people have asked about taking private lessons and I wanted to say yes to them so badly, but I already felt like I was being robbed of my time with my boys so I would have to either push lessons to the Summer or hesitantly say no. Many other factors played into my decision and I felt like God was growing the seed he planted 4 years ago. I thank God that he sent me such a supportive husband. Tyler is a very logical thinker. He grounds me and brings me back to reality. I am a dreamer and a jumper...if there is anything that would hold me back it's the fear of what others are going to think. However, Tyler was on board from the beginning...if it were up to him we would have waited one more year, but God had a way of working that out too. That's just how we knew it was time. In February Chelsea and I met to talk about our plans and ended up driving around looking for any space to rent. We found a space, met with a realtor, and just had to wait until June and pray the space stayed vacant until then. We have been keeping this secret for a LONG time. Both of us are SO excited to announce we have the keys in hand to the space we originally looked at and are about to begin renovations! His Promises Art Studio and Chelsea Work Photography is coming to life! We will be having an open house for my new students and the public in August so stay tuned for an official date and in the mean time share the news! To God be the glory and may we use this studio to further HIS kingdom! |
AuthorI am Merideth Van Meter, owner and teacher at His Promises Art Studio! Stay up to date with what's going on in the business here! Archives |